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Lecture Notes

CSE 431

Table of contents
  1. Lecture 1: Introduction, Models of Computation

Lecture 1: Introduction, Models of Computation

  • Part of computer science that tries to address the big questions
    • What can we compute and not compute? Is there an algorithm for everything?
    • Is it possible to speed up every sequential algorithm with parallelism?
  • Ask philosophical questions and answer them with mathematics.
  • We need definitions to say what words mean? What is a good model for computation?
  • What is computation?
    • Function: takes something coming from a domain and mapping it to a range
    • But what is the function? What are the steps? What steps are you allowed? How do you mesaure if it’s efficient?
  • Assumptions: mostly talking about computing functions, but assume that the domain is \(\{0, 1\}^*\) (all binary strings) or \(\{0, 1\}^n\) (binary strings of length n) and the range is a single bit \(\{0, 1\\)
  • Finite automata: there is a start vertex, and from every vertex there is an outgoing edge (0, 1), and there an accept vertex which is a 1.
    • Don’t like this model: does not compute easy things, e.g. palindromes or matching parentheses
    • No resource to see how efficient the function is – the length is just dependent on the input, something is missing – there’s no way to say if some functions are hard and if some are easy
    • No good complexity measure
  • Branching programs: there’s a start vertex with a zero and one edge coming out of it; it has a bunch of layers and two edges coming out of every vertex, but every edge has to go forward to the next layer. It maps the \(n\)-bit inputs; you can talk about a branching program for it. You can also read it in any ordedr.
    • Different metrics: time (length) and width (roughly, amount of memory you need when you execute the program)
    • Parallel time is related to the depth of width 5 of branching programs.
      • Every function can be computed with a width-5 branching program.
    • You can start asking interesting questions about the model. Does this model give a complexity measure to every function? Can you compute every function with such an object? Yes – you can use the width to remember the entire input.
    • Every function can be computed with length \(n\) and width \(2^n\)
    • Trade-off between memory and time
  • Boolean circuits: you have different inputs, and then gates that compute things from the variables, you might have and, or, negation, etc.
    • Can be interpreted as writing programs in a very simple programming language.
    • You can measure the size as the number of gates, or the number of execution sets. THis corresponds exactly to the running time.
    • You can also measure the depth – the length of the longest path. Corresponds to the time to execute this in parallel.
    • Rephrasing the parallelism question: Can every circuit of size \(s\) be simulated in depth \(O(\log s)\)?
  • Theorem 1: If \(f\) is computed with width 5 and length \(2^d\), you can compute \(f\) in depth \(O(d)\).
  • Theorem 2: If \(f\) is computed with depth \(d\), then \(f\) is computed in width \(5\) and length \(4^d\).