Andre Ye


I am an honors, Phi Beta Kappa, and Mary Gates scholar at the University of Washington studying philosophy and computer science, minoring in mathematics and history. My current specific research interests are twofold: (i.) how can we design non-human intelligences to aid human philosophical practice and address metaphilosophical problems? (ii.) how can philosophical concerns and insights help us build better AI and human-AI interactions? My general research interests are in philosophy of AI, phenomenology, philosophy of science, and computer vision. Please see my research agenda and CV for more details. I have written a few essays in philosophy, two books on deep learning, a little bit of fiction, and many data science articles. My email is andreye [at] uw [dot] edu.

Composite image of The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory (Dali), Edward Bellamy (GAN), Guernica (Picasso), still from Battleship Potemkin (Eisenstein), Relativity (Escher).

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Apr 7, 2024 I presented my paper “And then the Hammer Broke: Reflections on Machine Ethics from Feminist Philosophy of Science” at the Pacific University Philosophy Conference in Forest Grove, Oregon! Read the paper on arXiv.
Dec 22, 2023 I am a Phi Beta Kappa scholar, sponsored by the Philosophy Department.
Dec 20, 2023 I am a finalist for the CRA Outstanding Undergrad Research Award!
Nov 7, 2023 My project Confidence Contours with Quan Ze (Jim) Chen and Amy Zhang won honorable mention for best paper at HCOMP ‘23!
Nov 4, 2023 Our paper on moral meaning and social intentionality in LLMs, “LLMs grasp morality in concept.”, has been accepted to the MP2 workshop at NeurIPS. See you this December in New Orleans!

Aristotle's Invention: The School of Athens.