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Readings Notes

CSE 351

Table of contents
  1. 1. Binary Reading
  2. 2. Memory and Data I
  3. 3. Memory & Data II
  4. 4. Memory & Data III
  5. 5. Integers II
  6. 6. Floating Point I
  7. 7. Floating Point II
  8. 8. x86-64 Programming I
  9. 9. x86-64 Programming II
  10. 10. x86-64 Programming III
  11. 11. The Stack and Procedures
  12. 12. Procedures and Recursion
  13. 13. Executables, Arrays
  14. 14. Structs and Alignment
  15. 15. Buffer Overflow
  16. 16. Memory and Caches I
  17. 17. Memory and Caches II
  18. 18. Memory and Caches III
  19. 19. Cache Writes and Data Consistency
  20. 20. Processes I
  21. 21. Processes II, Virtual Memory I
  22. 22. Virtual Memory II
  23. 23. Virtual Memory III
  24. 24. Memory Allocation I
  25. 25. Memory Allocation II
  26. 26. Memory Allocation III

1. Binary Reading

  • A numeral is a number represented using a series of digits in a particular base.
  • Convert to decimal using \(d \times b^i\) for all indices \(i\), base \(b\), and digit \(d\) at index \(i\).
  • Convert from decimal into another base by recursive division.
  • Common bases - binary (base-2), decimal (base-10), hex (base-16).
    • You can directly convert from binary to hexadecimal and vice versa.

2. Memory and Data I

  • CPU - executes computer instructions.
    • Word size - fixed width of data used by the CPU to execute instructions.
  • Memory (RAM) - stores data for the CPU while instructionsa re being executed. Memory is a large array of bytes.
  • Every byte in memory is given a hexadecimal address. Addresses are a fixed-length quantity. Address sapce - set of all addresses in memory.
  • Data is moved and manipulated in fixed-length chunks. Leading zeros are therefore significant.
    • Leftmost bit - most-significant bit (MSB)
    • Rightmost bit - least-significant bit (LSB)
  • Multibyte data in memory covers several addresses; the address of the first byte (smallest) is used by convention.
  • Any chunk of data can be specified by its address and its size.
  • Endianness - choice of ordering.
    • Big-endian - LS byte stored in the highest address
    • Little-endian - LS byte stored in the lowest address
  • Pointers are variables that store addresses; the size of the pointer is the word size.
    • The pointer must also encode the size information.

3. Memory & Data II

  • Pointers are special variables of word size which store addresses.
type* ptr;
  • The address-of operator & goes in front of a variable, e.g. int q; int*p = &q;.
  • Dereference operator * used to access the data pointed to by the pointer.
  • Null - symbolic constant used for pointers.
  • Pointers can be represented with bow-and-arrow memory diagrams. Every box has a value, address, and variable name.
  • Pointer arithmetic - automatically scale the arithmetic operation across the minimum data size (4 bits for ints, 8 bits for longs).
  • Arrays: sets of contiguous locations in memory.array[n] referenced through *(array + n). There is no bounds checking in C.
  • C does not support an explicit string dataset. In C, strings are arrays of characters terminated by the null character.
  • 1 byte per character.

4. Memory & Data III

  • Bitwise operators apply boolean operations across bits of the operand(s) and can only be used on primitive/integral data types.
  • Logical operators (&&, ||, !) apply boolean operations to the value of the operands; 0 is False and anything else is true.
  • C uses short-circuit evaluation
  • Unsigned integers - nonnegative integers.
unsigned char1 byte
unsigned short2 bytes
unsigned int4 bytes
unsigned long8 bytes
  • Signed integers represent positive and negative integers. The most common encoding is two’s complement: the most significant bit is kept as negative; all other bits are unsigned. Can represent from \(-2^{n-1}\) to \(2^{n-1} - 1\).
  • To negate, flip all the bits and add one.

5. Integers II

  • Signed and unsigned integers are different interpretations of data; nothing about the data itself is changed.
  • Literals and constants can be changed into unsigned by appending u to the end.


  • The data type of a variable determines the data behavior.
  • Type casting - conversion of data from one data type into another. Implicit cast - done automatically by the compiler to avoid problems.
  • An explicit cast can be done with (data_type) expression.
  • Casting does not change the data, it changes the representation.
  • Zero extension - pads unsigned data with more zeros; sign extension - pads signed data with copies of the most significant bit
  • When mixing signed and unsigned values, implicit casting to unsigned is done.
  • Arithmetic on fixed-width binary numbers is modular; all bits after the end are dropped.
\[x-y = x + (-y) = x + (\sim y + 1)\]
  • Arithmetic overflow - a calculation cannot be represented by the encoding scheme.
    • Unsigned overview vs signed overflow
  • Shift operators - shift a bit vector by a specified number of digits, which falls the cut-off bits to ‘fall off’ and be lost; the remaining bits are filled by \(\forall\) 1s or 0s.
    • left shift - x << n, zero padding
    • logical right shift - x >> n, x unsigned, zero padding
    • arithmetic right shift - x >> n, x signed, MSB padding
  • Shifting can be interpreted as multiplying or dividing by powers of 2.
    • Right shifting always rounds down (floor operation).

6. Floating Point I

  • Scientific notation: we can express small and large numbers without writing large digits.
  • Three different parts - sign, mantissa, exponent.
    • Float: 1-bit sign, 8-bit exponent, 23-bit mantissa.
    • Double: 1-bit sign, 11-bit exponent, 52-bit mantissa.
  • Sign - 0 is positive, 1 is negative
  • Exponent - biased notation, shifted by \(2^{w-1}-1\) where \(w\) is the width of the exponent field (0b011...11); convert to unsigned; this lets us represent the same number of postiive and negative exponents.
    • To encode, add the bias
    • To decode, subtract the bias
  • Mantissa: must be of form 1.bbbb\(_2\). Implicit leading one, but this is not stored.

7. Floating Point II

  • Floating point allows for special cases, given as combinations to the exponent and mantissa fields.
  • 0 exponent: denormalized number; all-1s exponent and all-0s mantissa: \(+/- \infty\), all 1s-exponent and nonzero mantissa: NaN
  • Denormalized number: uses an implicit leading 0. Allows for encoding smaller numbers near 0.
  • If a number is too large, it results in overfow; the result is stored as infinity. If it is too small, it results in underflow.
  • We have limited precision; we cannot represent numbers between representable numbers.
  • The largest normalized exponent is 127.
  • Arithmetic operaitons on infinity and NaN will work but result in bizarre ways.
  • Rounding breaks down certain mathematical properties of floating point arithmetic.
  • Casting an integral data tpe into a floating point data type changes the bit representation.

8. x86-64 Programming I

  • Instruction Set Architecture - ISA. Parts of the processor design needed to write assembly code.
  • ISA - state, instruction set, effect.
  • Complex Instruction Set Computer vs Reduced Instruction Set Computer.
  • x86-64 is far on the end of CISC; we will look at integral data and use AT&T syntax.
  • Instructions are given with an instruction name followed by operands.
  • Assembly instructions: data transfer, arithmetic and logic, control flow
  • Size specifier - byte, word, long, quad (1, 2, 4, 8 bytes)
  • Operands are three types - immediates ($), registers (%), memory ().
    • An immediate cannot be used as a destination operand
    • You cannot use a memory to memory operation
  • Register - location in CPU to store a small amount of data which can be accessed quickly. Registers are referred to by name. 16 registers; 8-byte register names.
  • How to express a memory operand? 4 parts: D(Rb, Ri, S). Displacement - immediate or constant; base register - name of register whose value will be the base; index register - value will be scaled and added to the base; scale factor - scales the index register by a specified number - 1, 2, 4, 8.

9. x86-64 Programming II

  • Load effective address - lea. Source operand must be a memory operand; destination operand must be a register operand. Allows us to manipulate addresses rather than dereferencing memory.
lea D(Rb,Ri,S), R  # stores Reg[Rb]+Reg[Ri]*S+D in Reg[R]
  • Condition codes - status bits of the CPU which give information about the history of instruction executions. Flags are set implicitly and automatically by operations, but can also be done so explicitly - cmp and test. These only update condition codes and are never stored.
  • jump and set - implement all control flow.
  • Flags: Carry Flag (CF), Zero Flag (ZF), Sign Flag (SF), and Overflow Flag (OF).
  • jump - jump program to a specified target if a condition is met.
  • set - set the value of register dst (1-byte) to the value of the condition.

10. x86-64 Programming III

  • Extension instructions - like mov, but the source operand is smaller than the destination operand. Therefore, values can be extended with zero extension (movz) or sign extension (movs).
  • Conditionals in assembly are made of a condition code instructor and a conditional jump instruction.
  • Operand to jump instruction - label. Symbolic representation of an instruction’s address.
  • Loops can be freely introduced into assembly; if the name of the label is used as a target, the program will jump to the instruction.
  • If/Else can be constructed by using labels and jump statements.
  • Jump targets go to the beginning of the loop body to construct loops.

11. The Stack and Procedures

  • Jump table - data structure used to branch to different parts of the program. Array of pointers - pointers to code blocks.
  • Program counter %rip - holds the address of the next instruction.
  • We need to update the program counter in addresses stored in the table with indirect jumps - jmp *Loc.
  • The memory address space is arranged to optimize data usage. From low to high addresses:
    • Instructions
    • Literals
    • Static data
    • Dynamic data (heap)
    • Stack
  • Stack - takes up the highest useable addresses.
  • End/top of stack is stored in the stack pointer %rsp.
  • The stack pointer can be changed through subq and addq.
  • push and pop will allocate and deallocate data from the stack.
  • Calling conventions - rules to guarantee procedures and pass data and control.
  • Return address - address of the caller’s next instruction to execute.
  • call is a label instruction, will push the return address onto the stack and update the program counter to the address of the label.
  • ret will pop the return address of the stack and update the program counter to that address.
  • Return values are placed in %rax.
  • We want to support instantiation of individual procedures to enable recursion.
  • Stack frames - hold the local state of each procedure instantiation.
  • LIFO stack - the caller’s stack frame cannot be deallocated until the calee’s stack frame is.

12. Procedures and Recursion

  • Stack frame - has a return address marking the beginning of the stack frame.
  • Arguments 7+ are part of the caller’s argument, put on the stack before call.
  • x86-64 Register Saving Conventions - describe how we deal with register reuse.
  • Registers are callee-saved or caller-saved.
    • Callee-saved: callee’s responsibility to restore the old value before returning.
    • Caller-saved: the caller must save the existing state before it passes control to the callee. The old value is restored after the callee returns.
  • Recursion works without additional work due to the stack frame layout.

13. Executables, Arrays

  • CALL: compile, assemble, link, load.
  • Compiler: translate a text file (bytes interpreted as characters) into an assembly text file.
  • Assembler - convert assembly code into a binary object file.
    • Object code: ‘incomplete’, we do not have addresses for labels yet.
  • Linker - put together the object and static library files.
  • Loader - take an executable file and start a running process from it.
  • Arrays in assembly: the name is a placeholder for the starting address of the array.
  • Array subscript notation is sugar for address dereferencing.
  • C uses row-major ordering for multidimensional arrays.
  • Multilevel arrays are created by adding additional levels of arrays of pointers to arrays.

14. Structs and Alignment

  • A struct in C is a structured group of variables with various fields.
  • Purpose of a struct definition is to define the size and layout of a struct.
  • Fields are accessed using . or -> for pointers.
  • typedef - allows you to create aliases to other data types, e.g. typedef unsigned int uint;.
  • A primitive object is aligned if its address is a multiple of its size.
  • Unused space between fields - internal fragmentation.
  • External fragmentation: the overall size of a struct also must follow alignment requirements.

15. Buffer Overflow

  • Buffer: a region of the memory (usually array) used for temporary data storage.
  • Buffer overflow: writing data past the end of the buffer.
  • Sometimes buffer overflow causes program execution to break or goes unnoticed.
  • Stack smashing - write past the end of a local array in the stack. The buffer moves towards higher addresses. Stack smashing overwrites the return address in previous stack frames.
  • If a user enters a string longer than can be held in the buffer, we will get buffer overflow.
  • Code injection: can be used to take advantage of the fact that all data is stored in memory. Code injections: use buffer overflow to overwrite instructions and change the returna ddress to execdute the injected code.

16. Memory and Caches I

  • IEC prefixes - refer to powers of 1024.
  • Caches - memory with short access time, used to store frequently or recently used data, including instructions.
  • Data is transferred in blocks - machine-specific fixed units of data transfer.
  • The CPU will always check the caches first when accessing memroy.
  • Cache hit - data is found in the cache. Cache miss - not found, fetch from real memory adn copy into cache.
  • Principle of locality: programs tend to use data at addresses near those which have been used recently.
  • Temporal locality - recently referenced items likely to be referenced again
  • Spatial locality - items in nearby addresses likely to be refereced again
  • Copy data into the cache on a cache miss to maximize cache hits
  • Metrics: hit time (how long a cache hit takes), miss penalty (how long it takes to find a blcok fo data from memory, hit rate (fraction of memory accesses resulting in cache hits).
  • Average memory access time (AMAT): Hit time \(+\) Miss Rate \(\times\) Miss Penalty
  • Timing reported in clock cycles

17. Memory and Caches II

  • The memory hierarchy: local data storage and remote/external data storage.
  • Each level is a cache of the level below it - faster way to access a subset of available data.
  • Blocks are formed from 0 to \(K - 1\), \(K\) to \(2K - 1\), and so on.
  • We can determine which block an address is in by taking the floor of \(\frac{A}{K}\): this is the block number.
  • \(A % K\) is the block offset.
  • Cache size - measures capacity of the cache. Defined as a multiple of block size.
  • Where to place blocks on a cache miss?
  • Direct-mapped cache placement - use a hash function, block number % (C/K) to determine where to put a block.

18. Memory and Caches III

  • \(m\)-bit address: TIO. \(t\) bits for the tag, \(s\) bits for the index selection, \(k\) bits for the byte offset selection.
  • Widths: \(k = \log_2(K)\), \(s = \log_2(C / K)\), \(t = m - s - k\).
  • A direct-mapped cache always maps blocks to a single index. What if we alternate between different blocks which map to the same index? We lose temporal locality’s benefits.
  • Associative cache - each block fits in a set of locations.
  • \(E\)-way set associative cache: each block can be put in a set \(E\) ways.
    • Direct-mapped cache: 1-way
    • Fully-associative cache: \(C/K\) way
  • Caches - there will always be data present. Is it program data or mystery data? Valid bit lets us tell the difference. Management bit - stored in the cache for each block.
  • Cache line - block and management bits.
  • Cold cache: no valid program data.
  • Cache: number of sets \(S\), associativity \(E\), block size \(K\). Cache size is the product of these three.
  • Cache miss categorization:
    • Compulsory misses: we have to have a cache miss if we access something for the first time.
    • Conflict misses: more references map to the same set than we can allow to coexist.
    • Capacity misses: we don’t have enough space to keep all the data.
  • Larger block size \(\to\) fewer compulsory misses
  • Higher associativity \(\to\) fewer conflict misses
  • Larger cache size \(\to\) fewer capacity misses

19. Cache Writes and Data Consistency

  • Writes change data, not just reading it.
  • Write-hit and write-miss
  • Write-hit:
    • Write-through cache writes the change into the block in the cache and in the level below
    • Write-back cache writes the change only to the block in the cache but makes a note that it changed; dirty bit must be stored
  • Write miss:
    • Write allocate cache loads the block into cache before executing a write-hit
    • No-write allocate cache skips the cache and sends the write to the level below
  • Write-back, write-allocate: avoid going to the lower level as much as possible
  • How to optimize code based on memory hierarchy?
  • Spatial and temporal locality
  • Cache blocking - block operations on a large data structure so chunks fit into the cache.

20. Processes I

  • Control flow - your computer is executing multiple programs concurrently.
  • Exceptional control flow - trasnfer control and react to external signals.
  • Exception - transfer of control to the kernel in response to an event. An event handler will deal with the event.
  • Three possible outcomes:
    • Re-execute the instruction
    • Execute the next instruction
    • Abort the process
  • Asynchronous Exceptions - interrupts, external to the processor
  • Synchronous exceptions - traps, faults, aborts
  • Processes - instance of a running program/executable.
    • Logical control flow - each process ‘thinks’ it has exclusive use of the CPU
    • Private address space - each process ‘thinks’ it has exclusive memory usage
  • Program vs process
  • Multiple processes run on the computer with few CPUs.
  • Processes run concurrently if their instructions overlap in time.
  • Context switching - pause the currently executing process, restore the process to another state
  • Fork-exec model. Fork is a system call which duplicates a process; exec overlays the current data with a new instance. Starting a new process in linux is forking, then calling exec. Processes are assigned PIDs to keep track.

21. Processes II, Virtual Memory I

  • exec*() - overlays current process data with new instances of the given program
  • Loading part of Compiler, Assembler, Linker, Loader
  • Stack, Heap, Data, Code, register values
  • Where does the starting state of a new program come from? Data, code, heap, stack, registers
  • A process ends/terminates by executing the return statement from main, calling the library function exit, or by aborting an exception handler.
  • Reaped - the system resources are removed
  • Process terminated but not reaped - zombie process
  • Parent process - responsible for reaping a child. Implicity (parent terminates) or explicitly (parent invokes wait(pid)() system call
  • An orphaned child is passed to a background process called init with a PID of 1.
  • Virtual memory - process abstraction of a private address space. Hides the actual amount of RAM installed on the machine.
  • Virtual vs physical address space.
  • Swap space: a part of the disk to temporarily hold additional memory.

22. Virtual Memory II

  • Virtual memory must be able to make efficient use of limited physical memory.
  • Page: \(P = 2^p\), page size denoted in bytes.
  • Physical page numbers and virtual page numbers.
  • Most processes do not need to use most of the virtual address space. Unused virtual pages never have space allocated.
  • Physical memory as cache
  • Page tables - maps VPN to PPN
  • Page table entry - valid bit, dirty bit, access rights bits
  • Memory protection - protect and share memory between processes when desired. Page tables (managed by OS) do this for us.
  • Access rights - mimic Linux file access perms

23. Virtual Memory III

  • Page hit - if the requested page does live in physical memory.
  • Page fault - the requested page is not in physical mmeory (in swap space on the disk)
  • Translation lookaside buffer (TLB) - hardware cache, reduce the number of memory accesses needed during address translation
  • TLB hit - page entry table found, MMU can do address translation without ever accessing the page table.
  • Virtual address: first, TLB lookup
    • TLB hit: protection check
      • Access permitted: physical address
        • Check cache: miss or hit
      • Access denied: protection fault, SIGSEGV
    • TLB miss: check page table
      • Page in memory: update TLB and do protection check
      • Page not in memory: find in the swap space and do protection check

24. Memory Allocation I

  • Dynamically allocated data - memory whose size can only be determined at runtime. vs. automatically allocated data (local variables tied to stack frames), statically allocated data (global variables).
  • The heap is managed by a dynamic memory allocator.
  • Heap is organized into heap blocks, which are either allocated or freed.
  • Implicit allocator: programmer only responsible for allocations; explicit: also handles de-allocations.
  • Dynamic memory allocators – want to maximize throughput and memory utilization, but this often comes at the cost of each other
  • How to track free blocks? Implicit free list - uses arithmetic by using the size of each block. Explicit: travels free blocks using a linked list.
  • void* malloc(size_t size) - will initialize at least size bytes of uninitalized memory
int* ptr = (int*) malloc(n * sizeof(int));`
  • To free memory, use void free(void* p). Must hold the same address as was returned by a malloc.
  • Heap fragmentation – internal, wasted space inside of heap blocks; external, wasted space between heap blocks
  • Payload – the requested space.
  • Additional space at the end doesn’t count as external fragmentation because you can add more to the heap.

25. Memory Allocation II

  • First fit - search from the beginning and return the first large enough free block.
  • Next fit - search starting from the last search and return the first free block (wrapping around the end)
  • Best fit: search through the entire list and return the best free block.
  • Steps to fulfill an allocation request:
    1. Compute necessary block size
    2. Search for a free block using the allocation strategy.
    3. Compare the block size against the size of the block. If not equal, split off the excess and convert into a new free blcok.
    4. Allocate the block and return the beginning of the payload.
  • The allocator follows alignment procedures.
  • Minimum block size
  • You can free a block by flipping its allocatted flag.
  • Coalescing: combining neighboring free blocks into a larger free block.
  • Footer: a copy of the header but at the end of the block so it can be read by the next block.
  • Boundary tags – header and footer.
  • Explicit free list - uses a doubly linked data structure.

26. Memory Allocation III

  • Garbage collection - automatic memory management employed by implicit dynamic memory allocators.
  • When to free a piece of dynmaically allocated memory?
  • Memory is a directed graph: each heap block is a node on the graph, each pointer is an edge, locations not in the heap are root nodes.
  • Any unreachable heap node is not in use by a process and is garbage.
  • Mark and sweep. Mark bit used to track freeing.
  • How to deal with memory in C?