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Stuart Reges Lecture Notes

CSE 143

Table of contents
  1. Week 1 Monday - ArrayIntList Add, Remove, toString Methods
  2. Week 1 Wednesday - ArrayIntList Methods
  3. Week 1 Friday - Interfaces and Sets
  4. Week 2 Monday - Queues and Stacks
  5. Week 2 Wednesday - Interfaces and Arrays of Objects
  6. Week 2 Friday - Linked Lists
  7. Week 3 Friday -
  8. Week 4 Monday - Binary Search and Complexity
  9. Week 4 Wednesday - Maps
  10. Week 4 Friday - Maps Cont’d
  11. Week 5 Monday - Recursion
  12. Week 5 Wednesday - More Recursion
  13. Week 5 Friday - Grammars and Regular Expressions
  14. Week 6 Monday - Inheritance
  15. Week 6 Wednesday - Sorting
  16. Week 7 Monday - Backtracking and Exhaustive Search
  17. Week 7 Wednesday - More Backtracking
  18. Week 7 Friday - Binary Trees
  19. Week 8 Wednesday - Binary Search Tree
  20. Week 8 Friday - Comparable Interface and Generic BST
  21. Week 9 Monday - Abstract Classes
  22. Week 9 Wednesday - Huffman Coding
  23. Week 9 Friday - Advanced ArrayIntList
  24. Week 10 Wednesday - Hashing

Week 1 Monday - ArrayIntList Add, Remove, toString Methods

  • CSE 143 centers around data structures (linked lists, binary trees, Collections classes), as well as recursion for control.
  • Riel’s perspective of an objective: external vs internal views.
    • External: client side, what an object does
    • Internal: implementation, how an object works
  • Running data structure: ArrayList<E>. ArrayList that can store different types of elements.
  • Ideally, you should work in a programming environment. Recommended environment is JGrasp.

ArrayList review:

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(2, "and");

Appends items to the end at default. If an index is provided, inserts at that index.

How is this done? The ArrayList can be thought of as growing and shrinking, but it’s not actually growing and shrinking inside.

Two numbers to think about: capacity and size.

  • A variable size is used to keep track of how many ‘things’ are currently inside the structure.
  • Arrays have a certain associated capacity

Let’s think about implementing the internal representation for ArrayIntList.

Initializing the class fields:

public class ArrayIntList {
  int[] elementData;
  int size;

Style Issue Notice (!)

Never initialize values outside of a constructor function.

public class ArrayIntList {
  int[] elementData = new ...;
  int size = ...;

Instead, use a constructor function:

  public ArrayIntList() {
    elementData = new int[100];
    size = 0;

The ArrayIntList object should include a method to add new elememnts. We rely upon the internal state of size to determine which slot in elementData to use.

  public void add(int value) {
    this.elementData[size] = value;

You want to have a toString() method in your function to display the desired representaiton when System.out.print is called.

Next lecture – it will be important to use the keyword private for fields.

Week 1 Wednesday - ArrayIntList Methods

CSE Grades by Lectures Watched from Spring 2021:

Lectures Watched# StudentsAvg Grade

In this class, many resources are presented (lecture, section, textbook). You do not need to utilize all of them.

toString() methods allow us to print a representation of the method. When calling System.out.println(obj), the toString method of obj is implicitly called. The same occurs with String arithmetic: "hello " + obj.

Use this class’ ArrayIntList as an example for Homework 1.

OOPSLA: An object encapsulates state and exposes behavior.

  • State: represents by fields, the data an object keeps track of.
  • Behavior: represented by methods.
  • Encapsulation: the client cannot ‘reach right in’; the internal functionalities and operations are kept protected/encapsulated. We can utilize the private keyword for object fields to achieve encapsulation.

Make sure to look at style issues for a particular homework.

While the client should not be able to modify certain fields, we can create getter methods that return the value of a field.

Contract with the client: pre/post format.

// contract
// pre : index >= 0 and index < size
// post: returns the value at a given index

public int get(int index) {
  if (index < 0 || index < size) {
    throw new ExceptionType(message);
  return elementData[index];

Overloading: two different constructors.

Adhere to Boolean Zen: directly return the result of a conditional if a Boolean output is desired.

private means accessible to the class, including all instances of that class.

Week 1 Friday - Interfaces and Sets

  • Now, we are beginning to discuss content relevant to Homework 2.
  • Monday and Wednesday were about making different methods work - implementing data structures.
  • Now, we are going to be the client of a data structure.
  • Abstraction: an important concept in computer science.
    • Separating the essential properties of something from the unimportant details.
    • Essence of Computer Programming - controlling complexity.
    • We create incredibly complex software products.
  • Space Needle Assessment in CSE142 - while there are many details involved in drawing the ASCII art (for loops, ifs, repetition, etc.), we are fundamentally drawing different components - the base, the needle, etc.
  • Interface: list of behaviors (API)
  • Various relevant methods: setting, getting, obtaining the size, removing, adding, clearing, contains-checking.
  • Diamond operator: inferencing the object type instead of repeating it.
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
  • You must use the appropriate interface:
    • …when declaring variables
    • …when declaring parameters to a method
    • …when introducing fields into a class
    • …when using a return type for a method
// correct usage

// as a variable
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

// as a parameter
public void doSomething(List<E> list) {

// as a return type
public List<E> do Something(...) {

// as a field
private list<E> data;
  • We use the List interface, but when we are actually creating the object via new, we use ArrayList to be more explicit/specific.
  • Write your code in a method that suits the desired function/behavior rather than the specific implementation.
  • List can refer to an ArrayList, LinkedList, etc.: any list that implements an interface.
  • ArrayList traversal: could use for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {...}.
  • foreach loop (we have an affair between Microsoft, Sun, Java, C++, and C# to thank for this): allows for simple traversal if you desire only to get elements of a list rather than indexes. Is a read-only operation; you cannot change values in the structure.
for (String s : list) {
  • Iterator: a special kind of object used to perform a traversal.

Three key Iterator functions:

hasNext()Are there any elements left to see?
next()Returns the next value and moves to the next element.
remove()Removes the value most recently returned by next().
  • Limitations: you cannot call remove directly after initialization, or twice consecutively without calling next().
  • Ask Java to create an iterator from a List for you.
Iterator<String> iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
  String next =;
  • Primitive types in Java are all lowercase; Java does not allow you to use a primitive type in declaring a list of E.
  • Wrapper classes are classes of objects that have only one purpose: to wrap up a primitive into a non-primitive version.
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
Set<Integer> set = new TreeSet<>();
  • Sets: the client is not able to choose the order of a set (for TreeSet).
  • When using .remove with sets, the parameter is the value rather than the index. There is no concept of index in a set.
  • A foreach loop works with set traversal, but no modification is possible.
  • If you desire to loop through while modifying, use an Iterator.
  • When using a structure, do not ‘talk’ to the structure; the iterator is supposed to talk to the structure. Interact with the structure via the iterator.

Week 2 Monday - Queues and Stacks

  • We’ll be looking at content relevant to Week 2.
  • In CSE 142 - emphasized control abstraction about the flow of control through methods.
  • In CSE 143 - data abstraction.
  • Abstract Data Types (ADT) - quite old abstraction ideas.
  • Java gives us interfaces as methods to capture ADTs.
  • ADTS: list, set, stacks, queues.
  • Why use a stack or queue when you can use a list? Understand that stacks and queues are simpler and operate within certain restrictions.
  • Good experience to work with a limited data structure.
  • FIFO - First In, First Out. LIFO - Last In, First Out.
  • Don’t use the peek() operation on exam operations, but you may use it on the homework.
  • There is no interface for Stack; it is its own class.
  • Make sure to use import java.util.*.
  • You can have objects that implement multiple interfaces; for instance LinkedList implements both List and Queue.
  • Pay attention to reference semantics
  • Never use comparators for equality with Booleans; this violates Boolean zen.
  • Important queue technique: take something from the front, do something with it, and put it back at the end.m
  • Make sure in a for loop that you account for changes in the counter and the condition.

Week 2 Wednesday - Interfaces and Arrays of Objects

  • In CSE 143, a common approach to reducing redunancy is simply to write a new method.
  • Overloading - two versions of the same method that tkae in different sets of parameters/have a different signature.
  • HDMI port as an interface analogy.
public interface IntList {
  public int size();
  public int get(int index);
  public String toString();
  public int indexOf(int value);
  public void add(int value);
  public void add(int index, int value);
  • An interface is a list of required behaviors (methods).
  • A ‘certification’
  • Must indicate that a method implements an interface in the method header.
  • When you construct an array, Java will initialize all items to the ‘0’ equivalent - false, 0, null.
  • When you implement an interface, it is a minimum set of methods; however, a variable declared with an interface is restricted to the methods outlined in the interface (even if the other object has additional methods).

Week 2 Friday - Linked Lists

  • Need to recognize the difference between data and a reference to data. Reference semantics.
  • We have been looking at array storage.
  • Arrays have random access - we can quickly jump around the structure. Linked Lists have sequential access.
  • If we want to remove values, we need to shift values down; ArrayList is not used to implement the Queue interface because everything needs to be shfited down.
  • Linked Lists are slow for traversal.
  • Singly and doubly linked lists.
  • Recursive structure - defined in terms of itself.
  • Reference - “Java is a language without pointers”. Pointers and references are the same thing.
  • References are memory locations, an address in memory.
  • Difference between a variable and an actual node; things come into existence when you call new.
  • . - dereferencing operator. Goes inside the object.
  • Circular linked list
  • To write generalized linked lists, we need to use loops.
  • Garbage collector - looks for stray references that are unreachable; memory space is reclaimed.
  • If you want to keep part of a list, you need to create a temporary variable to store it.
  • Temporary variables are not nodes - they are references to actual nodes.
  • Understand comparison between != null and current != null
  • Make sure to check for edge cases - null or low-element list

Week 3 Friday -

  • Constructing a linked list with elements.
  • Differentiating temperaroy/reference variables from actual nodes.
  • Writing a loop to traverse the Linked List.
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
  front = new ListNode(i, front);
  • Write a public void method called addSorted that takes in a value and inserts it into a sorted linked list such that the sorted characteristic is maintained.
  • Requires a .next lookahead method.
  • Think about possible cases in which we run into null.
  • Short-circuit evaluation on boolean expressions. If x is false in the expression x && y, then y is not evaluated.
  • Robust test first, sensitive test second
  • Handle all cases - front, end, middle, empty list.
  • Inchworm technique - have two pointers.
prev = current;
current =;

Week 4 Monday - Binary Search and Complexity

  • Efficiency of the code you write.
  • Sometimes, people may develop an unhealthy obsession with efficiency.
  • Premature optimization is the root of all evil - Knuth.
  • Don’t obssess about efficiency before code works.
  • There is no midterm question about this subject.
  • n is the *size of the problem.
  • indexOf looks at all elements for a failed search.
  • Linear search - O(n).
  • Binary search - eliminate the same proportion of the search space every iteration.
  • Big-O notation: how does the algorithm scale with n?
  • Complexity - resources required for a bit of code or an algorithm. Resource - time.
  • Profilers - can count which lines of code are executed most often
  • We care about what happens when n gets very large; we isolate deominant terms.

Week 4 Wednesday - Maps

  • Abstract Data Types: lists, sets, stacks, queues, maps
  • Given a particular \(x\), there is only one or no \(y\).
  • Key value pairs. A key maps to a value.
  • Also known as a dictionary or an associative array.
  • TreeMap puts its keys in increasing order, like a TreeSet.
  • If you call .put(k, v) with the same key, the old value will be replaced.
  • Important to make a distinction between the first time you see something and when you see it later.
  • For map traversal, it is common to loop over the keys of the map rather than looping over the map itself.
  • Maps become more difficult when we have a multilevel structure: mapping to/from structures.
public static void addTo(Map<String, Set<String>> friends,
                         String name1, String name2) {
  if (!friends.containsKey(name1)) {
    Set<String> the Friends = new TreeSet<>();
    friends.put(name1, theFriends);
  } else {

Week 4 Friday - Maps Cont’d

  • Review of String processing
    • "" + char turns a character into a String.
if (!friends.containsKey(name1)) {
  friends.put(name1, new TreeSet<>());
  • Completing friends search program
  • Homework review - use a map to store different patterns and words that satisfy that program.

Week 5 Monday - Recursion

  • We think of recursion in contrast to iteration, which involves writing loops and procedural-style programming.
  • Some problems lend themselves better to recursion.
  • Every programming assignment we will have for the rest of the week will use recursion.
  • We need to make progress each time.
  • Program to write stars recursively:
public void writeStars(int n) {
  if (n == 0) {
  } else {
    writeStars(n - 1);
  • Recursion Zen
  • Call Stack
    • Calls from different methods are stacked on top of each other.
    • We’re using the built-in call stack that Java uses to keep track of call orders.
  • Tail recursion - tail recursion solutions can be written as loops.
  • Some examples contain multiple recursion cases.

Week 5 Wednesday - More Recursion

  • Binary number system.
public void writeBinary(int n) {
  if (n < 2) {
  } else {
    writeBinary(n / 2);
    System.out.print(n % 2);
  • The recursion programming question on the midterm exam often has low scores.
  • We add additional parameters in a recursive solution to accoutn for local variables in an iterative solution.
  • Recursive solution for computing the cumulative sum of an array:
public int sum(int[] list) {
  return sum(list, 0);

private int sum(int[] list, int index) {
  if (index = list.length()) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    return list[index] + sum(list, index+1);
  • Recursion Zen: don’t end a recursion early - let it run further towards the end.

Week 5 Friday - Grammars and Regular Expressions

  • Regular expressions will be used in the homework assignment.
  • RE: descriptions of patterns in strings.
  • -w - need whole words.
  • zing - requires zing to appear somewhere in the text.
  • . - matches any letter. ..... - searches for all five-lettered words.
  • | - ‘plumbing’/piping operation, feed output into another operation.
  • To combine conditions, pipe condition outputs into new filters.
  • .split() in Java takes in a regular expression and splits the input by the regular expression, returning an array of stinrgs.
  • Delimeter - indicator of how to separate tokens. The normal delimeter is a space.
  • Regular expression form - put a + after something to indicate ‘one or more’: e.g. ` +` to indicate any number of spaces.
  • Tabs are not spaces; they are special characters. \t represents tab as well.
  • For multiple or conditions: [ -]+ indicates ‘match any sequence of ` ` or +’.
  • [A-Za-z] filters all lowercase and uppercase letters. [^A-Za-z] filters all letters that are not uppercase or lowercase letters.

  • Homework assignment - will be working with grammar files using BNF grammar.
  • Method of describing patterns in language.
  • Terminals vs non-terminals.
    • Terminals: actual words in the language.
    • Nonterminals: variables we use to describe the grammar.
<s> ::= <np> <vp>
  • Left-hand side: one non-terminal.
  • Non-terminals are things that have rules associated with them.
  • ::= means “is composed of”.
  • A sentence <s> must be composed of a noun phrase <np> and a verb phrase <vp>.
  • A vertical bar | indicates ‘or’.

Week 6 Monday - Inheritance

  • Inheritance - modeling different hierarchies between objects.
  • You want to be albe to add and modify/override specificity for subclasses in the object hierarchy.
  • Maintaining multiple copies is tedious; by using inheritance hierarchies, we can better manage object relationships.
  • Code reuse
  • When you have an inheritance relationship, you automatically inherit the parent class’ state and behavior.
  • Another possible approach besides ‘is a’ is ‘can substitute for’.
  • public class TypeB extends TypeA { ... }.
  • Every class in Java (except for one) extends something. When you don’t extend something explicitly, Java will implicitly fill in extends Object.
    • Object is the most generic object. It is the only class that doesn’t inherit from another class.
  • Interfaces are an ‘obligation’; inheritance is a ‘gift’ - all the state and behavior of the inherited class are present in the inheriting class.
  • Java does not allow recursive or mutually dependent inheritance.
  • Superclass vs subclass.
  • TypeA x = new TypeB(); / TypeB y = new TypeA() - what is going on here?
    • Remember what’s going on with the variable (declared type) vs the object (actual type)
    • TypeA x = new TypeB(); is valid.
    • TypeB x = new TypeA(); is invalid.
    • You cannot instantiate a subclass as a superclass.
  • If you have a specialized method bOnlyMethod, then x.bOnlyMethod() from TypeA x = new TypeB(); would be invalid.
    • You can only call methods that are in the TypeA class.
    • Role/contract in object oriented programming: different objects can fulfill certain types of roles.
  • Casting: you can cast a variable to another type. ((TypeB) x).bOnlyMethod() - renegotiating the contract. This redirects the compiler’s attention to look at the cast type rather than the declared type.
    • Casting temporarily does not change the type of x; x is still TypeA.
  • Three steps:
    1. Compiler check. Does the role include the method that you’re calling?
      • The compiler looks only at the cast type.
    2. Runtime check. Does the object that a variable refer to fill the given role? Only when there is a cast involved.
      • The cast type must be a valid relationship between the object type and the cast type.
    3. Execute the method. None of the stuff matters; all that matters is the object itself. Objects always behave in the same way.
  • Always draw an inheritance hierarchy
  • Optionally, write out a table:
Three“One1”“Three2”, m1()-
Four“Four1”, “One1”“Three2”, m1()“Four3”
  • super. is a call on a superclass method; we want to have access to the original.
  • The same command can be interpreted in different ways.
  • Polymorphism
  • The compiler looks only at the cast type.
  • Section will be useful.

Week 6 Wednesday - Sorting

  • Exam for this lecture section is on Friday. Do not lose points by stopping late.
  • Do not forget to reset size for ArrayIntList problems.
  • Desired mean of about 75%.
  • Selection Sort - iteratively find the smallest element in an array, remove it, and continue until the array is empty. An intuitive, classic sorting routine. \(O(N^2)\) time.
  • Bubble Sort - look at elements next to each other; if two elements are out of order, you switch it. \(O(N^2)\) time.
  • Bogo Sort - just guess it every time.
  • Insertion Sort - an intuitive sort in which we insert at each point that preserves structure. \(O(N^2)\) time.
  • Bucket/radix sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Merge Sort. Has \(O(N \log N)\) time.
  • .compareTo
  • Stable Sort: preserves the relative order of ‘ties’.

  • Backtracking is a very specific algorithm.
  • In some sense, you’ll be told exactly what code to write.
  • Regardless, the backtracking assignment is conceptually difficult. Conceptually difficult, but you write very little code that does something very interesting.
  • Exhaustive search - generate every possibility.
  • Use recursion to accomplish exhaustive search - more scalable.
  • Anthropromorphize backtracking - imagine people changing what card is showing.
  • Mechanical counters.
  • Decision tree - a visualr epresentation of how different chioces can be made at each point.
  • You can explore the decision space in any way, but we generally explore the space using a depth-first-search (DFS) style operation.
  • Backtracking - going to when we last had a choice/could proceed.
  • Typically, we do not need to write code to force it to backtrack.
  • Dead-ends - problems that are not worth exploring any further.
    • i.e. we sometimes decide to stop exploring
  • 8 Queens problem - try to place 8 queens on a chess board such that no 8 queens challenge each other.
  • Erasure/undoing of a move.
  • With backtracking, it can be easy to get lost in the low-level details.
  • Rule of thumb: write supporting code to deal with the low-level details for you.
  • Recursion Zen
  • Backtracking pattern:
    1. Choose
    2. Explore
    3. Unchoose
  • Essence of backtracking.
  • Often, there isn’t a cleanup task to do - but there sometimes is one, in which you must explicitly write code to unchoose.

Week 7 Wednesday - More Backtracking

  • More on the 8 Queens Problem.
  • Recursion Zen - we often let things go a little bit further - we have robots that do things and pass it on to the next, but maybe another robot that determines a victory.
  • Anagram solver homework
  • Explore the dictionary that you’re given; at each recursive call, you pick a word.-
  • We will be using the Letter Inventory class to keep track of the words.
  • Efficiency improvements

Week 7 Friday - Binary Trees

  • This year’s students performed much worse on the midterm than the 2020 cohort.
  • Regrade policy page
  • Sometimes, requesting a regrade yields a poorer performance then before - the TAs may make mistakes in or against your favor.
  • Last major topic of the quarter - two programming assignments involving binary trees.
  • Four different final exam questions on binary trees.
  • A lot of people enjoy the elegance of binary trees.
  • Binary tree code tends to be very short because they are generally recursively handled.
  • Nodes - a structure composed of individual bits of data, each which is in a node.
  • Root, branches, leaves.
  • Parent-child relationship
  • A binary tree is either an empty tree or a root node with left and right subtrees.
  • Branch node constructor, leaf node constructor.
  • Overall root
  • Traversal - it’s not necessarily clear what comes first.
    • Process everything in a lefthand subtree
    • Process everything in a righthand subtree
    • Where to process the root?
    • Inorder tree traversal - left, root, right.
    • Postorder tree traversal - left, right, root.
    • Preorder tree traversal - root, left, right.
    • One of the four final exam questions
  • Sailboat method
  • Write methods - traversal methods nad other methods to explore a binary tree.
  • All exam questions will be in the form of working with an IntTree.
  • 10 pt. traversal, 20 pt. re-arrangement of the tree.
  • Every node introduces two trees; given \(N\) nodes, there are \(2N+1\) trees.

Week 8 Wednesday - Binary Search Tree

  • Added 5 points to Hunter
  • Over 23% scored 90% or higher
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Built-in TreeSet class uses a binary search tree, doesn’t allow duplicates.
  • 4 Binary Tree questions on the exam
  • An inorder traversal of a binary search tree gives a sorted order.
  • Always use public/private pairs for binary tree problems
  • Reference semantics and local variables
  • We can change the state of the object by ‘talking to it’ with a method call, but we can’t change the reference.
  • Pattern: x = change(x).
  • It does a lot of assigning as it ‘comes back out’, but the only one that has any effect is the last one.

Week 8 Friday - Comparable Interface and Generic BST

  • private does not mean private to the object, but rather private to the class.
  • In the Linked List problem, often you have one linked list manipulate a second linked list.
  • Most points for writing a class are standard - defining fields, a toString method, etc.
  • Little things - e.g. minutes going over 60 in an add method for a time class.
  • De Morgan’s law - when you have ‘something and something and something’, negation becomes ‘not something or not something or not something’.
  • Class invariant - reasoning about invariance. There may be relationships we guarantee will always be maintained.
    • A condition remains true at initialization and at every modification.
  • Stuart loves mod!
  • Comparing custom classes.
  • compareTo method required to implement the Comparable Interface.
public class Angle implements Comparable<Angle> {...}
  • Comparing: return -1 for less-than, 0 for equal, 1 for greater-than.
  • Casting to Comparable<E> interface to address symbol not found errors for comparison.
  • New syntax - constraint on the ‘types’ of Es that can be used.
public class SearchTree<E extends Comparable<E>> {...}

Week 9 Monday - Abstract Classes

  • Cases in which we’re dealing with a double difference - you cannot simply cast into an int.
  • When you’re dealing with a double rather than an int, do not use casting ints; just write a series of logic if/else statements.
  • You’ll be better off calling a method rather than using an expression in the compareTo.
  • Object oriented design and class hiearchy.
  • Using a class vs interface - if all we need is knowing some information, then we can use an interface - if something can be done with an interface, it should be done w ith an interface. Each subclass can only have one inheritance relationship.
  • When an interface is related to another interface, you use extend instead of implement.
  • Interface solution to the problem - use an interface Shape and make all classes implement.
  • Concrete classes - methods and states with a concrete body and filled commands. An interface is all abstract - all hollow, nothing is filled in.
  • We’re looking for something in between - an abstract class. We get some things filled in, and some things not filled in.
  • public abstract <type> <name> () for methods; public abstract class <name> implements <interface> {...}
  • Abstract classes have a constructor, even though we can’t construct an instance of an abstract class.
  • The first thing that every constructor does is to call a superclass constructor.
  • Accessing private fields of a superclass - we can’t accesss
  • Good OOP - talk about what is special - only say or express what is different from what is already written.
  • Reges believes - square should not extend rectangle. The “is/a” vs the “can substitute for” relationship debate. A square cannot substitute for a rectangle, and therefore, it should not extend rectangle.
  • Other things we could explore - the keyword final does not allow subclasses to override superclasses.
  • Classes can be final too - public final ....

Week 9 Wednesday - Huffman Coding

  • 1880 census took almost 8 years to complete; who could do something better?
  • Hollerith - came up with a scheme of punched cards. Data processing equipment.
  • System involving working with punched cards and machines; the government did the 1890 census in less time than the 1880 census.
  • Merged with other companies into IBM.
  • Attempt in the early 1960s as an alternative to IBM: ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
  • 128 possible values - 7 bits.
  • ASCII doesn’t work well for non-American characters.
  • 8th bit for ASCII was often used as a parity bit - perform a calculation on the parity to detect corruption in data.
  • International committee - defines Unicode.
  • UTF-8 encoding. A code with variable lengths - some of the codes are 1-byte, some as 2-byte, 4-byte, etc. There is more space in unicode to have longer codes.
  • ASCII characters are one byte long in UTF-8.
  • Zipping and compression
  • Common letters - letters that appear frequently. Look at the frequency of characters and deal with individual characters.
  • Huffman Coding
  • Create several nodes, and combine the two with the lowest frequency underr a new node with a frequency as the sum of frequencies.
  • Priority Queue - has an operation that removes the smallest value from the queue.
  • Your Node Class must implement the Comparable interface so the priority queue can ‘sort’/find the ‘min’.
  • Prefix Property - no code in the list is the prefix of another code.
  • BitInptuStream and BitOutputStream - will use classes as part of the solution.
    • BitOutputStream has a challenge - bits tend to come in bytes of 8
  • Pseudo-EOF. We will need to manually add the Pseudo-EOF character to the priority queue.

Week 9 Friday - Advanced ArrayIntList

  • FInal exam resources have been posted, extra credit opportunities.
  • Material we are covering today is usually covered earlier.
  • ArrayIntList - how to make a somewhat better version.
  • What else would we want in an ArrayIntList?
    • set - reassignment at a certain index
    • removeAll
    • isEmpty
    • iterator
    • clear
  • Interface Iterator<E> - must implement a hasNext(), next(), and remove() method
public class ArrayIntListIterator implements Iterator<Integer> {
  private int position;
  private ArrayIntList list;
  private boolean removeOK
  public ArrayIntListIterator(ArrayIntList list) {
    this.list = list;
    this.removeOK = false;
  public boolean hasNext() {
    return position < list.size();
  public Integer next() {
    if (!hasNext()) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException();
    int result = list.get(position);
    this.removeOK = true;
    return result;
  public void remove() {
    if (!removeOK) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException();
    list.remove(position - 1);
    this.removeOK = false;
  • The iterator is a lightweight object
  • Do not remove something in a loop, you will get a concurrent modification error. Use an iterator instead.
  • We want to be able to instantiate an iterator
public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
  return new ArrayIntListIterator(this);
  • Expanding capacity - if you will exceed capacity, it makes a bigger array and copies elements over to the new array.
  • Amoratizing - spreading out a cost over a certain duration of period.
  • Java multiplies by 1.5 - increases by 50%.
  • Sample final on website
  • TreeSet does not work on an object that does not implement Comparable
  • Point does not implement Comparable; Point is often used in exams.
This text resides on the 777th line of the markdown file used to generate this text.
  • Binary tree questions are generally not too diffiuclt - linked list problems are very difficult.
    • Simulate your code: list of length 0, length 1, length 2, etc.

## Week 10 Monday - IntList Case Study

  • ArrayList vs LinkedList - very different approaches to getting something.
  • Abstract class vs interface - which one to use?
  • We can say that an abstract class implements an IntList, and ArrayIntList and LinkedIntList inherit from AbstractIntList.
  • Abstract classes force you to extend a particular class.
  • Implement the IntList interface such that your code fits in.
  • Iterator techniques - often used to assist with efficient object-oriented solutions.
  • Iterable interface - required for for-each
  • Java turns for-each loops into iterator-type looping.
  • Syntactic sugar
  • Concurrent modificaiton error - if you iterate over a structure, you should not be editing it using internal methods - remove using the iterator.
  • protected access modifier - private methods are not inherited. Public - everyone can see it, public - no one can see it. Protected - subclasses can see it.
  • You can put a class inside a class - if you have an inner class, objects of the inner class automatically have access to the fields and methods of the constructing class.
  • Private static classes

Week 10 Wednesday - Hashing

Unsorted ArrayO(1)O(n)O(n)
Sorted ArrayO(n)O(log n)O(n)
Unsorted Linked ListO(1)O(n)O(n)
Sorted Linked ListO(n)O(n)O(n)
Binary Search TreeO(log n)O(log n)O(log n)
  • The binary search tree only works on certain types of data.
  • Hashing - a very clever idea with interesting applications in a lot of places.
  • Hash Function - takes in data and converts it into an integer.
  • We need such a function for hashing. This function is not necessarily invertible, i.e. we cannot always recover the object from the integer.
  • hashCode() is a method in the Object class. Every object in Java has a hash code.
  • Use mod to get to a location in the ‘roomy array’
  • Collision resolution
  • Separate chaining - to resolve collisions, chain multiple nodes/possible values together. An array of linekd lists.
  • The Hash function has to spread things out.
  • \(\Lambda\) - load factor for hash table. 0.75 is a typical example: we don’t want the structure to be more than 75% full.