Annotator Information

First and foremost, thank you for participating in this study!

Participant Groups

Annotators are split into two groups:

  • Medical Data Track. Annotators in this group have experience with the biological sciences and will be tasked with annotating a biological-domain dataset (lung CT scans of pulmonary nodes).
  • Synthetic Data Track. Annotators in this group have a background not in the biological sciences and will be tasked with annotating a general, synthetically-generated dataset.

Moreover, sessions will be split into two types: A and B. Participants will know which session type they are in.

You can find out your annotator number, your session type, your group, and your session date in this spreadsheet. If you need to change your session date or schedule a virtual session due to a conflict, no problem - just send an email.

Session Logistics

Sessions are scheduled across six days, all at the same time from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

  • Monday, October 24th
  • Wednesday, October 26th
  • Thursday, October 27th
  • Monday, October 31st
  • Wednesday, November 2nd
  • Thursday, November 3rd

All sessions are located in room 345 at the Gates Center. Instructions to get to the room:

  1. Enter the Gates Center.
  2. Go to the third floor, either by climbing the two flights of stairs in the atrium or by taking the elevator.
  3. Once on the third floor, walk in the direction opposite of the elevators.
  4. At the very end of the building on the left side is room 345.

Doors are locked to non-Allen School persons after 5:00 PM. For this reason, you should plan to arrive by 4:50 PM, which also gives you some time to set up. If you end up being locked out, please send an email to

Sessions are run without coordinated facilitation by the session lead. That is, annotators simply follow through instructions at their own pace. The lead is present to respond to questions and other possible problems which may arise, as well as to ensure smooth functioning. This means that annotators which complete their task before the hour is over may leave early.

What to Bring

  • Your computer (charged)
  • A mouse (if you have one - it will make the task much easier. We will try to provide mice if you don't have one)
  • Pen / pencil (we will have some extras)
  • Water bottle / snacks / other refreshments
  • Anything else to make you comfortable during the hour!

Preparing for Sessions

Please familiarize yourself with your track beforehand once you know your data group and session type, but do not do anything yet (do not interact with the annotation interface beyond any light exploration, do not fill out any forms). Getting acquainted with the process can reduce frustration during the session. Moreover, it can make the session go smoother and faster - meaning you may be able to leave early. If you have questions about the track, they can be addressed during the session.

If you are interested in how we will use your annotations, you can learn more here, which can provide more context for the study. (This is by no means required.)


Please direct any questions, comments, or changes to your plans to

Thanks Again!

This work would not be possible without your participation. Thanks again for your involvement in this study.